Edit to add something useful(?): Just saw the winner's trophy, it's designed by Oscar Niemeyer using a "green plastic". I'll try to find some pictures tomorrow when it's oficially presented.
Oh I love this track. As I don't care for Felipe or Lewis, I hope the best of them wins and we don't have any dirty moves from any of the parts involved. Rain would be interesting.
On a side note, lol @ the track map. "Reta oposta" means "back straight", so... yeah... it's not a corner.
I don't remember the older photos in the main page of the website to know if it's normal, but shouldn't it have a photo of São Paulo/Interlagos instead of Rio de Janeiro?
I couldn't care less as well, it's just that I have nothing better to do.
Edit: maybe not typical but after the s/f line there's 600m to T1, so the braking on cold tyres/brakes is much harder than usual. To me it was kind of expected to see tyres locking and cars going wide.
Can we have Hamilton and Massa to explode their cars before the next race's start? I just can't stand them anymore...
Anyways, it was a surprisingly good race. Too bad it got screwed by those who don't have a ******* idea what racing is. Bourdais' penalty was just.... such a... well.. nevermind.
If you didn't play LFS today (read: you played LFS zero times today), how many times did you play LFS today? hint: it is not an infinitely small value, unless you sleepwalk or something...
@0.999... discussion: 0.999... does not tend to anything, it's just 0.999... What tends to 1 is it's estimate value, wich we created to make real life applications possible (you can't do math with a number when you don't know it's exact value - like 0.999...).
Wow it was better than I expected. Good number of cars, clean race.
My first laps were sad, one by one the XFGs were passing me. After some laps it settled and I could race on my own pace, but couldn't improve much. Managed to get away from Ihab but couldn't catch Hypothraxer.
Then after my pitstop I was suddenly in a much better position. Smack was catching me but he had to pit, so I was alone in the track for the last 10 minutes or so.
Congrats to FiredUp for his amazing pace, and the top 3.
Yeah, we decided to password it before the race to avoid random people joining and lagging and spamming. But seems like I forgot the non-random people...
Yup. It probably won't have one unless there's a lot of people... Either way on sunday I'll PM everybody that posted here as a reminder and with the right server information.